Welcome to WondersWaterfowl, Home of award winning exhibition call ducks, Angora goats and Great Pyrenees dogs. We are located in the south eastern part of PA. We strive to produce healthy vigorous breeding stock to fit the standard of perfection. My birds are noted for their excellent laying and hatching ability which allows over 300 ducklings to be raised each year. This lets us makes huge strides in the improvement of each color. At this time we no longer raise call ducks, but we do raise colored angora goats.
NCBA-Top exhibitor of Butterscotch calls in 2006
NCBA-Master Exhibitor status awarded in 2006
NCBA-Overall top exhibitor of Butterscotch call from 2002-2006- 443 points
Poultry Show Record
BB= Best of Breed
RB= Reserve of Breed
BV= Best of Variety (color)
RV= Reserve of Variety (color)
Old= Over 1 yr old
Young=Under 1 yr old
Guil-Rand Fowl Fanciers, NC
BB, Best medium goose, Res. Goose, Res. Waterfowl White sebastopol OM
BB Saxony, also went on to Res. Heavy duck, First ever open show heavy duck win for the saxony breed!
Twin Tiers Poultry Club, Bath, NY
Eastern NY poultry Assoc. Cobleskill,
NYSouthern Ohio Poultry Breeders. Lucasville, OH (fall)
Mid-West All Waterfowl, Connersville IN
BB White sebastopol old male
BV,RV Butterscotch calls
1, 2 OM, 2 OF, 1 YM, 3, 4 YF- white calls, Best bantam duck display of show- ABA starred win!
Also Had BV and RV Butterscotch at the NCBA national, Champion Butterscotch call and Res. Champion Butterscotch call.
Susquehanna poultry show-spring
Champion Waterfowl- Gray call OF
Res. Champion Waterfowl- White call OM
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers-spring, APA-ABA joint semi-annual
BV,BB Champion Continental- White Faverolles OMBB,
Best medium goose, White sebastopol OM
BB Saxony duck
Twin Tiers Poultry Club, Bath, NY
1st white call OM-RV-RB- Reserve Champion Bantam duck- ABA starred win!
BV & RV butterscotch
Lucasville Ohio, Fall Show
BV butterscotch call
Yankee Fall show, Syracuse NY
BV,RV butterscotch call
2nd OM, 1st YF white calls
Mid-West All Waterfowl
BB white call old hen, Best bantam duck, Res. duck of show!- ABA starred win!
RB white call old cock, Res. bantam duck.- ABA starred win!
RV Butterscotch call
Frederick, MD
BB white call pullet, Best bantam duck!
BV,RV Butterscotch call
Also have BV, and RV butterscotch at the 2005 NCBA national. Champion Butterscotch and Res. Champion Butterscotch.
Susquehanna spring show
Champion Waterfowl- White call old male
Twin Tiers Poultry Club, Bath, NY
BV,RV Butterscotch calls
RV, RB, Res. Bantam Duck, Res. Champion Waterfowl- White call Young male
Delmarva Fall show
Res. Champion waterfowl, Champion Bantam Duck- White call old male
BV,RV Butterscotch
Frederick, MD
Champion Waterfowl- white call old male
Res. Champion Bantam Duck- Butterscotch old female
BV, RV Butterscotch
Indianapolis, IN
BV,RV Butterscotch- National Champion and Res. National Champion Butterscotch calls for 2006
Res. National Champion call duck at the NCBA national in Lucasville Ohio
The babies of WondersWaterfowl...