Update: The angora goats have returned to our farm! Check out the Angora Goat page for more information.
2007 Res. National Champion call duck
Call ducks are the most popular ducks here on the farm, especially the unique Butterscotch!. The females always greet us with their loud voices, each female wanting attention before the other! They have so much personality in such a small body. My large breeding program for each color has resulted in many awards and national championships.
2006 national champion butterscotch
Check out the "Kelp" page for the new paypal buttons!
Last update:
January 2nd, 2010
Since March15, 2007
If you are interested in having a website to showcase your poultry or hobby, feel free to contact me at the email address above.
All photos on these web pages are property of Brice Wonders; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contact me for permission to use the photos on these web pages in any way.
U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid and Avian Influenza Clean